Source code for graph_explore

"""This module contains function to read and write graphml and compute topological statistics on graphs """

__license__ = "MIT"
__docformat__ = 'reStructuredText'

import sys
import logging
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import graph_tool.all as gt
import graph_tool.centrality as centrality
import pandas as pd
import argparse
from os import path

import xml
import tempfile,shutil
import lxml.etree as et

from pax2graphml import utils
from pax2graphml import properties

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def load_graphml(graphml_file, directed=True): """Return a graph instance from a GRAPHML file : :param graphml_file: a graphml file :param directed: a boolean that defines if the edges of the graph are oriented :return: graph :rtype: graph object """ g=gt.load_graph(graphml_file) g.set_directed(directed) g=gt.Graph(g, prune=True) if g is None:"warning graph is None") try:"input graph order: %s" %len(list(g.vertices())))"input graph size: %s" %len(list(g.edges()))) except: logger.error("error, no vertices or edges in graph") return g
[docs]def describe_graph(g): """Return a string describing the graph will all edges and nodes with properties values : :param g: a graph :rtype: string """ if g is None:"warning graph is None") desc="" for v in g.vertices(): desc+=" vertex %s (%s)\n" %(v, utils.node_to_string(g,v,',') ) for e in v.in_edges(): desc+=" %s in_edge:%s (%s)\n" %(v,e, utils.edge_to_string(g,e,',') ) for e in v.out_edges(): desc+=" %s out_edge:%s (%s)\n" %(v,e, utils.edge_to_string(g,e,',') ) desc+="\n\n" print(desc) return desc
[docs]def summary(g): """Return a string with graph nodes count and edges count : :param g: a graph :rtype: string """ if g is None:"warning graph is None") s="" if g is not None: s=s+"nodes count: %s \n" %len( list(g.vertices()) ) s=s+"edges count: %s \n" %len( list(g.edges() ) ) return s
[docs]def graphml_xml_string(graphml_file,ids=1,entity="node" ): """Return the XML content extract of the graphml file: :param graphml_file: graphml file path :param ids: an intger or list or integers that correspondn to the id attribute values of the selected entities :param entity: "edge" or ""node" value to define which entity should be selected :return: an XML string :rtype: string """ if not isinstance(ids, (list)): idl = [ids] else: idl = ids model = xml.dom.minidom.parse(graphml_file) xmlent=model.getElementsByTagName(entity) ret=list() for en in xmlent: ide=en.getAttribute("id") ide=int(str(ide)) if ide in idl: ret.append(en.toxml()) return ret
[docs]def largest_cc_degree_dist(g): """Generate the distribution of degrees of the nodes of the largest connected component: :param g: a graph instance :return: distibution of the degrees of the nodes :rtype: DataFrame object """ if g is None:"warning graph is None") lCCFilt = gt.label_largest_component(g, directed=False) lCC = gt.GraphView(g, vfilt=lCCFilt) lCC = gt.Graph(lCC, prune=True) dist = degree_distribution(lCC) return dist
[docs]def degree_distribution(g): """Generate the distribution of degrees of the node of the graph: :param g: a graph instance :return: distibution of the degrees of the nodes :rtype: DataFrame object """ if g is None:"warning graph is None") degreeMap=g.degree_property_map("total") dist = pd.DataFrame(degreeMap.a, columns=["edge_count"]) return dist
[docs]def compute_betweenness( g ): """Compute the graph Betweenness: :param g: a graph instance :return: dictionary holding the metrics data :rtype: dict """ if g is None:"warning graph is None") return centrality.betweenness(g)
[docs]def compute_page_rank( g ): """Compute the graph PageRank: :param g: a graph instance :return: dictionary holding the metrics data :rtype: dict """ if g is None:"warning graph is None") return centrality.pagerank(g)
[docs]def compute_closeness( g ): """Compute the graph Closeness: :param g: a graph instance :return: dictionary holding the metrics data :rtype: dict """ return centrality.closeness(g)
[docs]def compute_graph_metrics( g ): """Compute multiple topological graph metrics (degree distribution, betweenness, pagerank, closeness): :param g: a graph instance :return: dictionary holding the metrics data :rtype: dict """ d=dict() try: stat1=centrality.betweenness(g) d["betweenness"]=stat1 stat2=centrality.pagerank(g) d["pagerank"]=stat2 stat3=centrality.closeness(g) d["closeness"]=stat3 d["ccomponent"]=largest_cc_degree_dist(g) d["degreedist"]=degree_distribution(g) d["error"]=None except: d["error"]= "%s,%s" %(sys.exc_info()[0],sys.exc_info()[1]) return d
[docs]def save_graphml(g, graphml_file,friendly=False): """Save a graph instance as a graphml file: :param g: a graph instance :param graphml_file: graphml output file path :return: void :rtype: None """ utils.__clean_rm(graphml_file) g=gt.Graph(g, prune=True) if friendly==True: utils.friendly_format_graphml(graphml_file)
def __saveOrPlot(g, output_graph=None, output_image=None): """Save a graph instance as a graphml file or save a graph image (png)""""\noutput graph order: %s" %len(list(g.vertices())))"output graph size: %s" %len(list(g.edges()))) if (output_graph is not None): g=gt.Graph(g, prune=True) utils.__clean_rm(output_graph) if (output_image is not None): size=3000 utils.__clean_rm(output_image) __saveGraphImage(g,output_image, size)
[docs]def save_image(g, image_file, size=3000 ,conf=None): """Generate an image from a graph instance : :param g: a graph instance :param image_file: png file path :param size: image size :param conf: image configuration dictionary with nodelabel and edgelabel keys :return: void :rtype: None """ __saveGraphImage(g,image_file, size)
def __saveGraphImage(g,image_file, size,conf=None): """Generate an image from a graph instance : :param g: a graph instance :param image_file: png file path :param size: image size :param conf: image configuration dictionary with nodelabel and edgelabel keys :return: void :rtype: None """ ecolor=None for prop in g.edge_properties.keys(): if prop =="color": ecolor=g.ep[prop] if conf is None: nodelabel="_graphml_vertex_id" edgelabel=None else: nodelabel=conf["nodelabel"] edgelabel=conf["edgelabel"] vtext=None etext=None if nodelabel is not None: vtext=g.vp[nodelabel] if edgelabel is not None: etext=g.ep[edgelabel] gt.graph_draw(g, vertex_text=vtext, edge_text=etext, vertex_font_size=30, bg_color=[1.,1.,1.,1.], vertex_fill_color=g.vp.color, edge_color=ecolor, output_size=(size,size), output=image_file)
[docs]def color_nodes(g): """Generate a node color property that Differentiates the node entities (reaction, chemical): :param g: a graph instance :return: void :rtype: None """ chemiColor='darkcyan' reactColor='indigo' g.vp.color = g.new_vertex_property("string") for v in g.vertices(): if (g.vp.entityType[v]=="reaction"): g.vp.color[v]=reactColor elif (g.vp.entityType[v]=="chemical"): g.vp.color[v]=chemiColor else: g.vp.color[v]='k' return g
[docs]def color_edges(g): """Generate a edge color property that Differentiates the edge semantic (subtsrat, product, activator, inhibitor, modulator) using the spaim edge property (s,p,a,i,m): :param g: a graph instance :return: void :rtype: None """ if g is None:"warning graph is None") g.ep.color = g.new_edge_property("string") def eColorMap(spaim): switcher={ 's':'mediumseagreen', 'p':'orchid', 'a':"darkred", 'i':"purple", 'm':"grey" } return switcher.get(spaim, 'k') for e in g.edges(): g.ep.color[e]=eColorMap(g.ep.spaim[e]) if (g.ep.color[e]=='k'): g.ep.spaim[e]="undef" return g
[docs]def save_yed_graphml(g,graphmlOutFile): """save graphml file enriched by graphics to be displayed by yEd editor :param g: a graph instance :param graphml_file: a graphml file :return: void :rtype: None """ save_graphml(g,graphmlOutFile,True) utils.__format_graphml_yed(graphmlOutFile)