Source code for properties

"""This module contains function to manipulate edge and node properties"""

__license__ = "MIT"
__docformat__ = 'reStructuredText'

import sys
import logging
import copy
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np 

from graph_tool.all import random_graph, label_components
import graph_tool.all as gt

from pybiomart import  Server, Dataset
from pybiomart.dataset import   Filter

from pax2graphml import utils
from pax2graphml import extract

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def property_values(g,annot_key): """ Alias of node_property_values""" return node_property_values(g,annot_key)
[docs]def node_property_values(g,annot_key): """Return a list of unique values corresponding to an existing node property: :param g: a graph :param annot_key: an existing propety name :return: a list of node property values :rtype: list """ vset=set() pkprop= g.vertex_properties[annot_key] nid=0 if str(pkprop.value_type())=="python::object": for v in g.vertices(): vaf=pkprop[nid] if isinstance(vaf, (list)) : for va in vaf: vset.add(va) elif isinstance(vaf, (dict)) : for k in vaf.keys(): vset.add(vaf[k]) else: vaf=pkprop[nid] vset.add(vaf) nid+=1 else: for v in g.vertices(): vset.add(pkprop[nid]) nid+=1 pv=list(vset) return pv
[docs]def edge_property_values(g,annot_key): """Return a list of unique values corresponding to an existing edge property: :param g: a graph :param annot_key: an existing propety name :return: a list of edge property values :rtype: list """ vset=set() pkprop= g.edge_properties[annot_key] nid=0 if str(pkprop.value_type())=="python::object": for e in g.edges(): vaf=pkprop[e] if isinstance(vaf, (list)) : for va in vaf: vset.add(va) elif isinstance(vaf, (dict)) : for k in vaf.keys(): vset.add(vaf[k]) else: vaf=pkprop[e] vset.add(vaf) nid+=1 else: for e in g.edges(): vset.add(pkprop[e]) nid+=1 pv=list(vset) return pv
[docs]def describe_properties(g, name=None): """Return a description of node and edge properties with names and types: :param g: a graph :param name: property name (optional). If None, all properties are described :return: a description of edge and node properties :rtype: string """ strn="" stre="" for k, v in nm=k[1] cstrn="" cstre="" tp='' if k[0] == 'v': tp='node' cstrn="%s, %s, %s \n" % (tp,nm, v.value_type()) elif k[0] == 'e': tp='edge' cstre="%s, %s, %s \n" % (tp,nm, v.value_type()) if name is not None and name ==nm: return cstrn+cstre else: strn+=cstrn stre+=cstre return strn+stre
[docs]def defaultNodeValue(gr,prop,default_val ): """asign a userdefined value to a node property when it is None ar equal to "": :param gr: a graph :param prop: an existing property name :param default_val: the value to be used to replace None and "" string :return: void :rtype: None """ pkprop= gr.vertex_properties[prop] for v in gr.vertices(): xid=gr.vp[prop][v] if xid is None or str(xid) == "": gr.vp[prop][v]=default_val
[docs]def default_edge_value(gr,prop,default_val ): """asign a userdefined value to an edge property when it is None ar equal to "": :param gr: a graph :param prop: an existing property name :param default_val: the value to be used to replace None and "" string :return: void :rtype: None """ pkprop= gr.edge_properties[prop] for e in gr.edges(): xid=gr.ep[prop][e] if xid is None or str(xid) == "": gr.ep[prop][e]=default_val
[docs]def define_biomart_server(url,mart_name): """define a biomart server "": :param url: the url of the biomartserver :param mart_name: the mart name :return: mart :rtype: mart Object """ server = Server(host=url) mart=server.marts[mart_name] return mart
[docs]def client_annot_impl( prot,conf=None): """Configure a mart for Uniprot to GO annotation "": :param prot: list of Uniprot gene symbols :param conf: the configuration dictionary :return: a dictionary of annotations :rtype: dict """ mart=define_biomart_server(conf['server'],conf['mart']) dataset = (mart.datasets[conf['dataset']]) attr=conf['attr'] dataset.filters dataset._filters[conf['searchkey']]=Filter(conf['searchkey'], 'text') filt={conf['searchkey']: prot} unimap=dict() for p in prot: unimap[p] =set() uni_key=conf['uni_key'] annot_key=conf['annot_key'] res=dataset.query(attributes=attr, filters=filt) i=0 for index, row in res.iterrows() : i=i+1 maxIt=1000000 if i<= maxIt: try: uni=str(row[uni_key]) goterm=str(row[annot_key]) except: print("error wrong/mission uni_key /annot_key in conf. missing row response key. row is %s, conf is %s" %(row, conf)) return None if uni != "nan": if uni in unimap: ma=unimap[uni] else: ma=set() if goterm != "nan": ma.add(goterm) unimap[uni]=ma else: break for k in unimap.keys(): v= unimap[k] if v is not None and len(v)==0: unimap[k]=None return unimap
def __default_apî_conf(): conf={ 'server':'', 'mart':'ENSEMBL_MART_ENSEMBL', 'dataset':'hsapiens_gene_ensembl', 'attr':[ 'ensembl_gene_id', 'external_gene_name', 'uniprot_gn_symbol', 'go_id' ], 'searchkey' :'uniprot_gn_symbol', 'uni_key' : 'UniProtKB Gene Name symbol', 'annot_key' :'GO term accession' } return conf def __current_apî_conf(conf=None): confg=__default_apî_conf() if conf is not None: for k in conf.keys(): confg[k]=conf[k] return confg
[docs]def uniprot_to_go(protein_list,conf=None,chunck_size=50): """Configure a mart for Uniprot to GO annotation "": :param prot: list of Uniprot gene symbols :param conf: the configuration dictionary :param chunck_size: the size of each chunk of inputs to be submitted in one time :return: a dictionary of annotations :rtype: dict """ if conf is None: conf=__default_apî_conf() return ensembl_api(protein_list,conf,chunck_size)
[docs]def ensembl_api(in_list,conf=None,chunck_size=50): """Configure a mart for any annotation "": :param in_list: list of inputs identifiers :param conf: the configuration dictionary :param chunck_size: the size of each chunk of inputs to be submitted in one time :return: a dictionary of annotations :rtype: dict """ confg=__current_apî_conf(conf) chunks = [in_list[x:x+chunck_size] for x in range(0, len(in_list), chunck_size)] allM=dict() for inl in chunks: #print(prot) annotmap=client_annot_impl(inl,confg) allM.update(annotmap) return allM
[docs]def is_unique(g, key_prop, exclude_void=True): """Evaluate if a property contains one unique value for each node: :param g: a graph :param key_prop: the key node property to be evaluated :param exclude_void: define is we include None values :rtype: boolean """ ud=set() i=0 vc=0 for node in g.vertices(): key=g.vp[key_prop][node] if exclude_void==True and key is None : vc+=1 else: i+=1 ud.add(key) if i!=len(ud): return False else : return True
[docs]def annot_node_to_file(g,output_prop_file,key_prop,annot_prop,defval=None,excluded_keys=[None,''],delimiter=','): """Export two properties to a tabular file. The first property act as a key to identify the node, the second as an additionnal annotaion attribute. The Unicity of the key is not tested : :param g: a graph :param output_prop_file: the tabular output file :param key_prop: the key node property that will be present as a named column in the file. 'index' references the node index (from 0) :param annot_prop: the additionnal property to be exported as a named column in the file :param defval: value to replace None values in output :param excluded_keys: list of key_prop values that will be excluded :param delimiter: tabular file delimiter :rtype: void """ f = open(output_prop_file,"w") endL="\n" f.write("%s%s%s%s" % (key_prop,delimiter,annot_prop,endL)) idx=-1 for node in g.vertices(): idx+=1 if key_prop=="index": key=str(idx) else: key=g.vp[key_prop][node] annot=g.vp[annot_prop][node] if key not in excluded_keys: if key is None: key='None' if annot is None: annot=defval f.write( "%s%s%s%s" % (key,delimiter,annot,endL)) f.close()
[docs]def annot_edge_to_file(g,output_prop_file,key_prop,annot_prop,defval=None,excluded_keys=[None,''],delimiter=','): """Export two properties to a tabular file. The first property act as a key to identify the edge, the second as an additionnal annotaion attribute. The Unicity of the key is not tested : :param g: a graph :param output_prop_file: the tabular output file :param key_prop: the key edge property that will be present as a named column in the file. 'index' references the edge index (from 0) :param annot_prop: the additionnal property to be exported as a named column in the file :param defval: value to replace None values in output :param excluded_keys: list of key_prop values that will be excluded :param delimiter: tabular file delimiter :rtype: void """ f = open(output_prop_file,"w") endL="\n" f.write("%s%s%s%s" % (key_prop,delimiter,annot_prop,endL)) idx=-1 for edge in g.edges(): idx+=1 if key_prop=="index": key=str(idx) else: key=g.ep[key_prop][edge] annot=g.ep[annot_prop][edge] if key not in excluded_keys: if key is None: key='None' if annot is None: annot=defval f.write( "%s%s%s%s" % (key,delimiter,annot,endL)) f.close()
[docs]def annot_node_from_file(g,annot_file,map_key,new_prop,new_prop_type="string",delimiter=","): """Populate the nodes with a new property. The values of the property are extract from a tabular file: :param g: a graph :param annot_file: the tabular annotation file :param map_key: the node property holding the primary key that must be present as a named column in the file. 'index' references the node index (from 0) :param new_prop: the new property to be created that must be present as a named column in the file :param new_prop_type: type of the new property ('string','int', 'float', 'long','bool') :param delimiter: tabular file delimiter :rtype: void """ df = pd.read_csv(annot_file, delimiter=delimiter) andict=dict(df.values) g.vp[new_prop]=g.new_vertex_property(new_prop_type) nodes=g.vertices() idx=-1 for node in nodes: idx+=1 if map_key=='index': key=idx else: key=g.vp[map_key][node] if key is not None: if key in andict.keys(): g.vp[new_prop][node]=andict[key]
[docs]def annot_edge_from_file(g,annot_file,map_key,new_prop,new_prop_type="string",delimiter=","): """Populate the edges with a new property. The values of the property are extract from a tabular file: :param g: a graph :param annot_file: the tabular annotation file :param map_key: the node property holding the primary key that must be present as a named column in the file. 'index' references the edge index (from 0) :param new_prop: the new property to be created that must be present as a named column in the file :param new_prop_type: type of the new property ('string','int', 'float', 'long','bool') :param delimiter: tabular file delimiter :rtype: void """ df = pd.read_csv(annot_file, delimiter=delimiter) andict=dict(df.values) g.ep[new_prop]=g.new_edge_property(new_prop_type) edges=g.edges() idx=-1 for edge in edges: idx+=1 if map_key=='index': key=idx else: key=g.ep[map_key][edge] if key is not None: if key in andict.keys(): g.ep[new_prop][edge]=andict[key]
[docs]def copy_node_properties(g, sourceNode, targetNode): """Copy all properties of a source node to a target node: :param g: a graph :param sourceNode: source node :param targetNode: target node :rtype: void """ for prop in g.vertex_properties.keys(): g.vp[prop][targetNode]=g.vp[prop][sourceNode]
[docs]def copy_edge_properties(g, source_edge, target_edge): """Copy all properties of a source edge to a target edge: :param g: a graph :param source_edge: source node :param target_edge: target node :rtype: void """ for prop in g.edge_properties.keys(): g.ep[prop][target_edge]=g.ep[prop][source_edge]
[docs]def populate_shape(g,shapes=None): """define the node shapes: :param g: a graph :param color: the target property name :param shapes: optional dictionnary of existing values (dict keys) associated with the new values (dict values) :return: count of modified nodes """ #default shapes map_values={ "0":"Ellipse", "1":"Rectangle", "2":"Octagon", "3":"Triangle", "4":"Parallelogram", "5":"Round Rectangle", "6": "Rectangle", "7": "Diamond", "8": "V" } if shapes is not None: map_values=shapes replace_property_values(g,"shape", map_values)
[docs]def populate_color(g,colors=None): """define the node colors: :param g: a graph :param color: the target property name :param colors: optional dictionnary of existing values (dict keys) assopiated with the new values (dict values) :return: count of modified nodes """ #default colors map_values={ "0":"Red", "1":"FireBrick", "2":"LimeGreen", "3":"LightGreen", "4":"SpringGreen", "5":"SeaGreen", "6":"YellowGreen", "7":"CornflowerBlue", "8":"LightSalmon", "9":"Coral" } if colors is not None: map_values=colors return replace_property_values(g,"color", map_values)
[docs]def replace_property_values(g,prop_name, map_values,entity_type="node"): """Replace the values of a property by the specified values: :param g: a graph :param prop_name: the target property name :param map_values: dictionnary of existing values (dict keys) assopiated with the new values (dict values) :param entity_type: related entity type, "node" for node, "edge" for edge :return: count of modified entities """ ct=0 if entity_type == "node": if prop_name in g.vp.keys(): for n in g.vertices(): ov=g.vp[prop_name][n] if ov in map_values.keys(): g.vp[prop_name][n]=map_values[ov] ct=ct+1 elif entity_type == "edge": if prop_name in g.ep.keys(): for e in g.edges(): ov=g.ep[prop_name][e] if ov in map_values.keys(): g.ep[prop_name][e]=map_values[ov] ct=ct+1 return ct
[docs]def string_to_list_property(g, string_prop,new_property=None, sep=";", entity="node"): """Convert a string property to a property contains a list, for each node or edge: :param g: a graph :param string_prop: initial property :param new_property: new property name, is None, the intial property is replaced :param sep: string separator used in the string property :param entity: define is the properties are related to nodes or edges :return: void """ do_replace=False if new_property is None: do_replace=True if entity=="node": nprop = g.new_vertex_property("object") for n in g.vertices(): st=g.vp[string_prop][n] ln=st.split(sep) nprop[n]=ln if do_replace==True: del g.vp[string_prop] g.vp[string_prop] = nprop else: g.vp[new_property] = nprop if entity=="edge": nprop = g.new_edge_property("object") for n in g.edges(): st=g.ep[string_prop][n] ln=st.split(sep) nprop[n]=ln if do_replace==True: del g.ep[string_prop] g.ep[string_prop] = nprop else: g.ep[new_property] = nprop
[docs]def list_to_string_property(g, string_prop,new_property=None, sep=";", entity="node"): """Convert a property contains a list to a concatened string property, for each node or edge: :param g: a graph :param string_prop: initial property :param new_property: new property name, is None, the intial property is replaced :param sep: string separator used in the string property :param entity: define is the properties are related to nodes or edges :return: void """ do_replace=False if new_property is None: do_replace=True if entity=="node": nprop = g.new_vertex_property("string") for n in g.vertices(): ln=g.vp[string_prop][n] if len(ln)>1: st=sep.join(ln) else: st="" nprop[n]=st if do_replace==True: del g.vp[string_prop] g.vp[string_prop] = nprop else: g.vp[new_property] = nprop if entity=="edge": nprop = g.new_edge_property("string") for n in g.vertices(): ln=g.ep[string_prop][n] if len(ln)>1: st=sep.join(ln) else: st="" nprop[n]=st if do_replace==True: del g.ep[string_prop] g.ep[string_prop] = nprop else: g.ep[new_property] = nprop
[docs]def change_property_type(g,property_name, property_type, entity="node"): """change a node or edge property type : :param g: a graph :param property_name: the name of the property to be affected :param property_type: the new primitive property type (string,int,bool,float,double), is None, the intial property is replaced :param entity: define is the properties are related to nodes or edges :return: void """ prop=None if entity=="node": prop=g.vp[property_name] nprop = g.new_vertex_property(property_type) for n in g.vertices(): nprop[n]=utils.__convertType(prop[n],property_type) g.vp[property_name]=nprop elif entity=="edge": prop=g.ep[property_name] nprop = g.new_edge_property(property_type) for e in g.edges(): nprop[e]=utils.__convertType(prop[e],property_type) g.ep[property_name]=nprop
[docs]def create_property_from_map(g, annot_map,primary_key, new_property,case_sensitive=False): """Create a new node property from a dictionary "": :param g: a graph :param annot_map: a dictionary :param primary_key: the primary key property (e.g. uri, uniprot...) :param new_property: the new property name. The expected type is 'object' :param case_sensitive: define if the primary key mapping is case sensitive or not :return: void """ g.vp[new_property]=g.new_vertex_property("object") for node in g.vertices() : pk=g.vp[primary_key][node] if pk is not None: for k in annot_map.keys(): if case_sensitive==False: rk= pk.lower() km=k.lower() else: rk= pk km=k if rk ==km: val=annot_map[k] if val is not None: g.vp[new_property][node]=val
#print("%s-->%s" %(pk,annot_map[k]))
[docs]def count_edges_by_values(gr,att): """Count edges for each value of an input property: :param gr: a graph :param att: a existing property name :return: a dictionnary (property value/count) :rtype: dict """ avlist=edge_property_values(gr,att) print(avlist) mc=dict() for val in avlist: ct=0 for e in gr.edges(): cval=gr.ep[att][e] if cval is not None and cval==val: ct=ct+1 mc[val]=ct return mc
[docs]def count_nodes_by_values(gr,att): """Count nodes for each value of an input property: :param gr: a graph :param att: a existing property name :return: a dictionnary (property value/count) :rtype: dict """ avlist=node_property_values(gr,att) mc=dict() for val in avlist: ct=0 for n in gr.vertices(): cval=gr.vp[att][n] if cval is not None and cval==val: ct=ct+1 mc[val]=ct return mc