Source code for utils

"""This module contains utilitary functions related to graph and file manipulation, package management and execution."""

__license__ = "MIT"
__docformat__ = 'reStructuredText'

import sys,os
import logging
from decimal import Decimal
from subprocrunner import SubprocessRunner
import json
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import graph_tool.all as gt
import graph_tool.centrality as centrality
import pandas as pd
import argparse
from os import path
import logging
import xml
import tempfile, shutil
import lxml.etree as et

from xml.sax.saxutils import escape
import colorsys

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def resource_path(): """return the resources path :return: a string representing the resource \ path containing additional files like template and jar """ pa = __relPath('resources')"resource_path:%s" % (pa)) return pa
[docs]def data_path(): """return the data folder path with example datasets :return: a string representing the data folder \ path containing example data files like BIOPAX """ pa = __relPath('data')"data_path:%s" % (pa)) return pa
[docs]def node_list(g ): """return a simple list of all nodes of a graph (without iterator) :return: a list of nodes """ ar=list() for el in g.vertices(): ar.append(el) return ar
[docs]def edge_list( g ): """return a simple list of all edges of a graph (without iterator) :return: a list of edges """ ar=list() for el in g.edges(): ar.append(el) return ar
[docs]def node_to_string(gh, n, sep="\n"): """return a string representing all the properties values from a node :return: a string """ s="" for prop in gh.vertex_properties.keys(): s=s+str(prop)+"="+str(gh.vp[prop][n])+sep return s
[docs]def to_string(gh, n, sep="\n"): """alias of node_to_string :return: a string """ return node_to_string(gh, n, sep )
[docs]def edge_to_string(gh, e, sep="\n"): """return a string representing all the properties values from an edge :return: a string """ s="" for prop in gh.edge_properties.keys(): s=s+str(prop)+"="+str(gh.ep[prop][e])+sep return s
[docs]def edge_description(g,e): """return a string giving al details from an edge, incuding source an target description :return: a string """ ep=edge_to_string(g,e,',') sp=node_to_string(g,e.source(),',') tp=node_to_string(g,,',') return "edge:%s \n\tsource: %s \n\ttarget: %s"%(ep,sp,tp)
[docs]def count_edge(n,mode="all"): """compute edges count from a selected node :param n: graph node :param mode: count mode. values :"all","in", "out" :return: the edges count :rtype: int """ ect=0 if mode=="all": for e in n.neighbors(): ect+=1 if mode=="in": for e in n.in_neighbors(): ect+=1 if mode=="out": for e in n.out_neighbors(): ect+=1 return ect
[docs]def cc_by_node_count(g,min,max): """select a sub graph from a graph, using the minimum and maximum node number of each connected component as as a filter :param g: a graph :param min: minimum node count of each connected component :param max: maximum node count of each connected component :return: a subgraph :rtype: graph """ mccid=dict() v2cc = g.new_vertex_property('int'); ccomp, hist = gt.label_components(g, directed=None, attractors=False) for v in g.vertices(): ccid=ccomp[v] ccidct=0 if ccid in mccid.keys(): ccidct=mccid[ccid] ccidct+=1 mccid[ccid]=ccidct v2cc[v]=ccid selectedccid=None for ccid in mccid.keys(): ccidct= mccid[ccid]"cc id:%s=>%s nodes" %(ccid,ccidct)) if ccidct>=min and ccidct<=max:"cc id:%s=>%s nodes %s %s " %(ccid,ccidct,min,max)) selectedccid=ccid break if selectedccid is not None: vfilter = g.new_vertex_property("bool"); for v in g.vertices(): cval=v2cc[v] vindex=g.vertex_index[v] if cval is not None and cval==selectedccid: vfilter[vindex] = True else: vfilter[vindex] = False u = gt.GraphView(g, vfilt=vfilter) u=gt.Graph(u, prune=True) return u else:"cc_by_node_count returns None" ) return None
[docs]def friendly_format_graphml(graphml_file,usetemp=False): """modify in place a graphml_file to have more human readable properties data key :param graphml_file: a graphml file file folling the generation rules """ if usetemp==True: f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) #warning: issue with cross devide link else: tmpf=graphml_file+".work.tmp" gns='' ns={'x': gns} root = et.parse(graphml_file) lst=root.xpath("./x:key", namespaces=ns) keymap=dict() for el in lst: fv=el.get('for') iv=el.get('id') v=el.get('') k="%s@%s" %(fv,iv) keymap[k]=v el.set('id', v) for tag in ["node","edge"]: lst=root.xpath("./x:graph/x:%s" %(tag) , namespaces=ns) for elm in lst : for el in elm: if el.tag=='{%s}data' %(gns): ktag="key" kv=el.get(ktag) k="%s@%s" %(tag,kv) v=keymap[k] el.set(ktag, v) idv=0 lst=root.xpath("./x:graph/x:edge" , namespaces=ns) for el in lst: idv=idv+1 el.set("id", str(+idv)) root.write(tmpf, pretty_print=True, xml_declaration=True, encoding='UTF-8') shutil.move(tmpf, graphml_file)
__P2GJAR="biopax2spaimgen.jar" __P2GTEMPLATE="graphml.vm" __P2GJMEM_XMX="48g" __P2GJMEM=" -Xmx"+__P2GJMEM_XMX+" -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC " __P2GJVM="java" def __gdirEnv(): """ return the value of an optional evironment variable for alternate resources directory definition""" p2gjdir=os.getenv("P2GJDIR") if p2gjdir is None: p2gjdir="./" return p2gjdir def __gdir(): """ return the resources directory if exists else use an evironment variable """ fname=resource_path() if (os.path.isdir(fname) ): return fname else: return __gdirEnv() def __p2g(): """ paxx2graphml java extension jar name """ return __P2GJAR def __template(): """ path to the graphml template used to generate reaction graph file from BIOPAX. this editable template is processed by the velocity template engine. see """ return __gdir()+"/"+__P2GTEMPLATE def __jarpath(): """ path to the jar containing the paxx2graphml java extension using paxtools""" return __gdir()+"/"+__p2g() def __jvm(): """ java binary """ return __P2GJVM def __jvmopt(): """ jvm option """ mem=os.getenv("JVMMEM") if mem is None: mem=__P2GJMEM return mem def __formatRes(st): """utility to find json data in a stdout string""" ct="" fd=0 ln=st.split("\n") for l in ln: if l.startswith("{"): fd=1 if fd==1: ct+=l return ct def __runCmd(cmd): """command line execution that expect a json output with a status code :param cmd: a command line :type cmd: string :return: the json command output :rtype: dict """ resp =None try: runner = SubprocessRunner(cmd)"command: {:s}".format(runner.command))"return code: {:d}".format("stdout: {:s}".format(runner.stdout))"stderr: {:s}".format(runner.stderr)) rs=__formatRes(runner.stdout) resp = json.loads(rs) if resp["status"] ==0:"%s" %(resp["message"])) else:"%s" %(resp["error"])) except: print("error occured! %s %s ." %(sys.exc_info()[0],sys.exc_info()[1])) return resp def __relPath(relname): """utility to convert a relative path to current script, to an absolute path """ resDir = path.join(path.dirname(__file__), relname) return resDir def __addArrayEl(mp,k,el): """utility to add element to an array representing the value of a dictionary key""" if k in mp: ar=mp[k] else: ar=list() ar.append(el) mp[k]=ar def __clean_rm(file): err=0 try: shutil.rmtree(graphmlOutFile, False, None) except: err=1 def __str2bool(v): return v.lower() in ("yes", "true", "t", "1") def __convertType(v,property_type): if property_type is None: return v elif property_type=='int': v=int(v) elif property_type=='float': v=float(v) elif property_type=='double': v=Decimal(v) elif property_type=='double': v=__str2bool(v) return v def __yed_edge_graphics(label,color): """edge graphics for yEd :param label: node text label """ nstr1=''' <data key="d27" xmlns:y="" > <y:PolyLineEdge> <y:Path sx="0.0" sy="0.0" tx="0.0" ty="0.0"/> <y:LineStyle ''' nstr11=''' type="line" width="1.0"/> <y:Arrows source="none" target="white_delta"/> <y:EdgeLabel alignment="center" configuration="AutoFlippingLabel" distance="2.0" fontFamily="Dialog" fontSize="12" fontStyle="plain" hasBackgroundColor="false" hasLineColor="false" height="17.96875" modelName="custom" preferredPlacement="anywhere" ratio="0.5" textColor="#000000" visible="true" width="53.32421875" x="-71.4431481625477" y="-16.37365500299495"> ''' nstr2=''' <y:LabelModel> <y:SmartEdgeLabelModel autoRotationEnabled="false" defaultAngle="0.0" defaultDistance="10.0"/> </y:LabelModel> <y:ModelParameter> <y:SmartEdgeLabelModelParameter angle="0.0" distance="30.0" distanceToCenter="true" position="right" ratio="0.5" segment="0"/> </y:ModelParameter> <y:PreferredPlacementDescriptor angle="0.0" angleOffsetOnRightSide="0" angleReference="absolute" angleRotationOnRightSide="co" distance="-1.0" frozen="true" placement="anywhere" side="anywhere" sideReference="relative_to_edge_flow"/> </y:EdgeLabel> <y:BendStyle smoothed="false"/> </y:PolyLineEdge> </data> ''' nscolor=" color=\""+color+"\" " st= nstr1+nscolor+nstr11+label+nstr2 return st def __yed_node_graphics(label,color,shape): """node graphics for yEd :param label: node text label """ nstr1=''' <data key="d21" xmlns:y="" > <y:ShapeNode> <y:Geometry height="30.0" width="30.0" x="621.3832419501406" y="131.52884981905322"/> <y:Fill ''' nstr11=''' transparent="false"/> <y:BorderStyle color="#000000" type="line" width="1.0"/> <y:NodeLabel alignment="center" autoSizePolicy="content" fontFamily="Dialog" fontSize="12" fontStyle="plain" hasBackgroundColor="false" hasLineColor="false" height="17.96875" modelName="custom" textColor="#000000" visible="true" width="32.998046875" x="-1.4990234375" y="6.015625"> ''' nstr2=''' <y:LabelModel> <y:SmartNodeLabelModel distance="4.0"/> </y:LabelModel> <y:ModelParameter> <y:SmartNodeLabelModelParameter labelRatioX="0.0" labelRatioY="0.0" nodeRatioX="0.0" nodeRatioY="0.0" offsetX="0.0" offsetY="0.0" upX="0.0" upY="-1.0"/> </y:ModelParameter> </y:NodeLabel> <y:Shape ''' nstr3=''' </y:ShapeNode> </data> ''' nscolor=" color=\""+color+"\" " nsshape="type=\""+shape+"\"/>" st= nstr1+nscolor+nstr11+label+nstr2+nsshape+nstr3 return st
[docs]def spaim_edge_label(code): """convert spaim code as defined in spaim edge property to human readable labels """ map_values={ "s":"is_substrat_of", "p":"as_product", "a":"is_activator_of", "i":"is_inhibitor_of", "m":"is_modulator_of", } if code in map_values.keys(): return map_values[code] else: return ""
def __node_shape_yed(code): """convert biopax type numeric code as defined in shape node property to yEd compatible shape name """ map_values={ "0": "ellipse", "1": "rectangle", "2": "octagon", "3": "triangle", "4": "parallelogram", "5": "hexagon", "6": "rectangle", "7": "diamond", "8": "trapezoid" } if code in map_values.keys(): return map_values[code] else: return "trapezoid"
[docs]def color_range_hexa(color_number=20): hsv = [(x * 1.0 / color_number, 0.8, 0.8) for x in range(color_number)] hexout = [] for color in hsv: rgb = map(lambda x: int(x * 255), colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(*color)) hexout.append('#%02x%02x%02x' % tuple(rgb)) return hexout
def __color_range(): map_values={ "0": "", "1": "", "2": "", "3": "", "4": "", "5": "", "6": "", "7": "", "8": "" } sz=len(map_values.keys()) colors=color_range_hexa(sz) i=0 for k in map_values.keys(): map_values[k]=colors[i] i=i+1 #print(map_values) return map_values
[docs]def node_shape_to_color(code,colors): """convert biopax type numeric code as defined in shape node property to yEd compatible shape name """ if code in colors.keys(): return colors[code] else: return "#FFFFFF"
def __format_graphml_yed(graphml_file,usetemp=False): """modify in place a graphml_file to have basic compatibility with yEd editor :param graphml_file: a graphml file """ if usetemp==True: f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) #warning: issue with cross devide link else: tmpf=graphml_file+".work.tmp" tmpf0=tmpf+"0" gns='' ns={'x': gns} reptag="yxzzzzxwcvakwwwyyyyxz" yns="" root = et.parse(graphml_file) rootel = root.getroot() rootel.set("xmlns"+reptag+"y", yns) child = et.fromstring("<key for=\"node\" id=\"d21\" yfiles.type=\"nodegraphics\"/>") rootel.append(child) child = et.fromstring("<key for=\"edge\" id=\"d27\" yfiles.type=\"edgegraphics\"/>") rootel.append(child) root.write(tmpf0, pretty_print=True, xml_declaration=True, encoding='UTF-8') f1 = open(tmpf0, "r") ofi = open(tmpf, "w") fd=0 while(True): line = f1.readline() if not line: break li=line.strip() if fd==0: if reptag in li: li=li.replace(reptag,":") fd=1 ofi.write(li+"\n") ofi.close() root = et.parse(tmpf) colors=__color_range() ns={'x': gns} for tag in ["node"]: lst=root.xpath("./x:graph/x:%s" %(tag) , namespaces=ns) for elm in lst : labeln="" ccode="1" for el in elm: if el.tag=='{%s}data' %(gns): ktag="key" kv=el.get(ktag) if kv=="name": labeln=escape(el.text) if kv=="color": ccode=el.text if kv=="shape": scode=el.text ncolor=node_shape_to_color(ccode,colors) #print("%s %s" %(ccode, ncolor)) nshape=__node_shape_yed(scode) childn = et.fromstring(__yed_node_graphics(labeln,ncolor,nshape)) elm.append(childn) for tag in ["edge"]: lst=root.xpath("./x:graph/x:%s" %(tag) , namespaces=ns) for elm in lst : labele="" for el in elm: if el.tag=='{%s}data' %(gns): ktag="key" kv=el.get(ktag) if kv=="spaim": labele=escape(spaim_edge_label(el.text)) childe = et.fromstring(__yed_edge_graphics(labele,"#563768")) elm.append(childe) root.write(tmpf, pretty_print=True, xml_declaration=True, encoding='UTF-8') os.remove(tmpf0) shutil.move(tmpf, graphml_file)
[docs]def defineXmx(xmx): """ redefine xmx java parameter for lareg BIOPAX file processing""" global __P2GJMEM_XMX __P2GJMEM_XMX=xmx global __P2GJMEM __P2GJMEM=" -Xmx"+__P2GJMEM_XMX+" -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC "
if __name__ == "__main__": print("no main defined")